MindTouch Deki

MindTouch Deki is a web- based enterprise collaboration, wiki software and mashup platform. It is divided into a front-end (written in PHP ) and an API, written in C#. The Deki front- end and API are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License while the Dream services layer is released under the Apache License, making it free and open source software.
MindTouch originally developed Deki as a fork of Mediawiki , replacing wikitext with XHTML, adding a WYSIWYG editor, adding page and file search using Lucene, adding page hierarchies, and wrapping it all in a new user interface.
MindTouch Deki is not only an award winning and easy to use web application for sharing, it's also a platform. MindTouch Deki is similar to Web Content Management Systems web frameworks like Drupal , Mambo , Joomla! and DotNetNuke, but a wiki in nature.
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