Metro | Find Your Way In The Public Transport Systems

Metro helps you find your way in the public transport systems (subway, bus, trams,...) in 400 cities around the world. FREE, FAST & ACCURATE . Simply enter your start and end stops, hit the "Go" button and the program finds the fastest route.

Many more features to discover:
Operating time awareness
Interface with address book
Directions to major tourist attractions (in selected cities)
Take only the cities you need on your Palm
Install the cities on an expansion card
Easy station search
Complete line & station lists: 748 stops in London, 952 in New York, 1835 in Tokyo, 872 in Paris
Database exchange through IR
Ultra fast calculations (native ARM engine)

Available in 39 languages. Users of PalmOS versions not supporting accented characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Greek,...) should download the "international" version instead of the default package (go to ).
After downloading, please read the included "README.html" file for more information.

Download Metro

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